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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I am currently writing a serialized horror story - Roz Carter

Roz Carter was born in Philadelphia, back in the days when televisions had knobs, to two crazy people. The youngest child of too many children, Roz spent her childhood with her nose stuck in a book, preferring their company to that of her siblings or classmates. By the time she was eight years old she had declared herself finished with the children's section in the library and demanded an adult library card. Clutching that adult library card in her hot little hand was the happiest day of her young life.

The Covington Witches is her first novel. She is currently at work on the second novel in the series.

She can be reached at roz@covingtonwitches.com

Roz Carter

1.        What do you write? 

I am currently writing a serialized horror story, The Covington Witches, a story told in six parts. Parts 1 through 3 are available now. Parts 4 through 6 will be available late 2014.

2.        Why do you write? 

I don’t really have a choice in the matter, the words, they tend to bubble up. It’s best to let them do their thing and allow the stories to be told. 

3.        For whom do you write? 

I write for myself. And I have that reader, my “I-Girl”, she’s out there and reading my writing, she’s my “reading twin”. I’m writing for her too. 

4.        By whom are you inspired? 

I’m inspired by artists in all fields, not just writing. I’m inspired by nature, and native tribes, classical music and hip-hop, great chefs, painters, Anne Rice and the Bhagavad Gita, and people you’ve never heard of and probably never will. 

5 . Your Future plan About writing? 

Currently I am working on the end of the serial. It seems that there are characters that aren’t quite ready for their story to be over. There are whispers and threads that require listening to and tying off. 

5.        Give five pieces of advice to a new writer? 

Read. Read fiction, all genres, read nonfiction all subjects.

Write. Every day. Snippets, half-sentences, entire stories, poetry. Just write.

Turn off the TV (hey, I love television, but it can be a time suck).

Listen to people when they speak.

Read your dialogue out loud. It’s amazing what sounds fine in your head can sound so clunky when read out loud.

6.        Give five pieces of advice to a reader?

Support indie authors!

Read outside of your comfort zone. I love zombies and love stories too, but the classics? There’s a reason they’re still taught.

Turn off the TV.

Write reviews. Authors really appreciate it when you take a few moments to let others know how you felt about a book, and it really doesn’t take long to write one. 

Donate your books when you know you aren’t going to read them again. Share new worlds with others.

Twitter: twitter.com/rozcar

Books: The Covington Witches, Book of Secrets, Parts 1 through 3 available now

Parts 4 through 6 available late 2014

Amazon Link:

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