Our Today's author is K.L. Silver.

K Lesile Silverman

Small introduction of yourself:
I’m a left-handed, Libra loner who lives peacefully with my bestest friend, Tiger. I adore words, and have been known to respect them AND assault them simultaneously – depending on my mood.
My goal is ONLY to change the world! Mmmwaahahaa…
I believe that while we’re here, we may as well make a difference. I attempt to do my small part and hope to inspire others to do likewise.
Some of my favorite sayings are:
Live and Let Live, To Thine Own Self Be True, and - IF YOU CAN’T HELP – AT LEAST DON’T HURT!
What do you write?
Mainstream Romantic Erotica – with a TWIST!
The “MASTERED” Collection of Erotic Short Stories - consists of four stand-alone shorts that combine to create a full-length novel. You can read the first story or the third, and never feel lost or confused. Of course, the SUB-liminal method would be to indulge in one at a time. Slowwwwwly - and in this order:
“DEEP WITHIN HER” : Life Secrets Buried Dungeon Deep..( available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FJ96LVE )
“METAMORPHOSIS” : From the VANILLA to the SUB-Lime… (available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FY4CG4A
“TAKE ME” :TAKE ME Into Pleasure, TAKE ME Into Pain. ..
“BOUND TO THEE” : From Lifetime to Lifetime, I Am BOUND TO THEE..
Why do you write?
From the outside, it may appear that I’ve simply written an AMAZING Romantic Erotica novel (lol). In fact, there is a SUB-nificant underlying social message inter-woven throughout. That message is one of tolerance, of opening closed minds – and, of broadening narrowand arrogant perspectives.
We are ALL unique in our own special ways – VIVA LA DIFFERENCE!
For whom do you write?
For whom? Hmmmmm….I would say first and foremost for myself. Is that selfish? Hopefully, in doing so, I am pleasing many other open-minded romantics as well. (I almost used the word ‘pleasuring’ in place of ‘pleasing’, but somehow – it just sounded SO wrong! )LOL
Can you share your current writing (Any small
Story/Poem) or tell us your Future plans?
A short excerpt from Story 1: “DEEP WITHIN HER”….
“You're late, my dear.” The slow, sardonic drawl was completely incongruous with his actions. Even if his hand were not exerting a steady pressure at her throat, Missy would have been rendered speechless at the sight of him.
The interior lights shone softly behind him, infusing him with an almost dreamlike aura. He all but filled the doorway, emphasizing the considerable difference in their sizes. Why didn't I notice how muscular he was? Even casually dressed in jeans and un-tucked tee, he would have turned heads anywhere.
Missy, however, was in no position for head-turning at this particular moment. His hand was burning against the flesh of her throat, and as if in answer, her pulse was throbbing against the flesh of his hand.
Without another word she was impelled forward, out of the darkness. It felt as if she was pulled free of her self-imposed prison, and into his. As James bolted the massive door behind them, a curious mantra played over and over in Missy's muddled mind.
I'm home…
She was disallowed further opportunity to explore this unnerving concept. There were far more pressing circumstances to consider.
With his hand still firmly at her throat, James insinuated one thigh between the two of hers. In one effortless motion, he pressed her back against the now-sealed doorway. Removing his thigh from betwixt hers, their physical contact was again limited to a single powerful hand encircling her tiny, erratically pulsating throat.
At arm’s length, James assessed her silently, unhurriedly, and thoroughly.
While she was incapable of absorbing much in the way of detail, James inundated his senses with her. Such an extraordinarily intoxicating rose. Delighted, James noted she held her eyes cast downwards as if instinctual. Not only was she beautiful and bright, she was even more submissive than he originally thought.
Missy began to fidget under the close scrutiny, forcing his hand to tighten its grip ever-so-slightly. It took but a moment for comprehension to dawn. The squirming came to an immediate halt, allowing him to continue his close inspection. He observed the flush of her cheek and the heave of her chest. He noticed her nipples, hard and straining visibly through both bra and shirt. He knew with absolute certainty that she was wet.
James reached out slowly with his free hand, capturing one thick nipple between his fingers and squeezed just until she whimpered softly. He did not let go nor did he loosen his grip. She remained motionless, whimpering intermittently. He was sure she was remembering his wordless admonition of just a few moments ago.
Smiling enigmatically down at her, he spoke. “You disrespect me with your tardiness, little one. It would never occur to me to disrespect you in such a manner. You will learn this evening that disobedience cannot and will not be tolerated...”
What is love? Tell us your views.
‘LOVE’ is whatever two consenting adults define it to be. Who am I (or anybody else) to put parameters around what love is?
What is SEX? Do you think that erotica stories are
Again, ‘SEX’ is whatever two consenting adults define it to be. And most definitely, erotica is literature. What else would it be?
“Nudity is Porn” Is that true? Or is nudity art?
Nudity can be pornography OR art - depending on one’s definition and perspective. Personally, I prefer tasteful and subtle to crude and lewd – as my FB Fan Page will attest to:
But, again – TO EACH THEIR OWN. The human form is beautiful at any age and at any stage…
What are your thoughts on Homosexuality/Gay/lesbian sex/
LOL..This may be getting redundant but – TO EACH THEIR OWN! Why should ‘straight’ people be the only ones ALLOWED to suffer through marriage??
Give five pieces of advice to new writers?
Be patient. Follow your heart. Take constructive criticism. Baby steps…
Give five pieces of advice to readers?
Advice to readers?? That’s EASY!
You did say 5, yes? LOL…
Amazon Author Page:
Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/KLSilverAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImKarn23
This is great and found it so interesting. What a great book.
ReplyDeleteThe most tasteful interview on erotica. Your synopsis on each novel is just as alluring as the novels. Well done KL. Kharis Macey