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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Interview of Victoria Jane Chisholm

 Our Today's author                                           Victoria Jane Chisholm    

What you write?

I tend to write paranormal romance, fantasy novels, sometimes books that have a bit of a sizzle to them.

I would love to write a travel book and maybe some children’s book someday as well J In all honesty I would like to try my hand at most styles of writing before I die one day .

Why you write?

I have always scribbled my whole life but it was not until 6-7 years ago when I had a bad accident and smashed my left leg in which left me unable to really walk properly for nearly 9 months) that I really started to put down all my ideas for novels, novella’s onto my pc and started to play around with them.

Seeing if I could make any of them come to life – at that stage ever getting published was a very very far away dream .

I still have days now that I go wow am here , am getting to live my dream.

For whom you write?

I write for myself and then for my readers – in the hope that they enjoy the same sort of things I do to read and that it excites them. A sign of a good book to me is when you can vitalize it all happening in your head as your reading.
I hope people will maybe feel that from one of my books one day.

By whom you inspired?

In my family it was my nana that inspired me to try my hand a writing which originally lead to poetry for kids (which still being a kid myself) then much later on starting to map out my first novel .
Author wise I would have to say am inspire by old classic like Louisa May Alcott and Modern day writer’s like Kelly Armstrong .

You can Share you current writing (Any small Story/Poem) or Tell your Future plan about writing?

My current book that is out to buy is called Magick Weaved on a Samhain eve

A small teaser from Magick Weave on a Samhain Eve

Taking a deep and calming breath, she muttered the words of the spell, and drew the triple goddess sign out in front of her in the air with her right hand. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know that the spell had worked, as the air within the room had taken on an amazing tingling electric feeling. If that was not enough of a clue for her know that she was no longer in the room, the sudden appearance of a breath touching the back of her neck, and the feeling of a hand running over her bare shoulder sweeping her hair over to one side sure as hell did the trick.

Alexia felt like she had been burned by the touch. (There was no longer any doubt in her mind as to whether she would be able to feel her lover’s touch.)

To buy for Amazon Kindle in US, UK, Italy, France, Germany , Brazil, Canada ,Japan and India amazon stores

It’s currently selling at 77p in the uk , $1.16 in us and 99c in Canada at time of posting
UK link
US Link – -

Canada Link

If you would ever like you ebook copy signed – I can do that no problem for you via authoratuograph just send me a request via the site.

If you would like to follow me and my work then please check out my website www.vjchisholmbooks.com or swing by my blog on http://vjchisholmbooks.wordpress.com/ 

I’m already at work on the follow up to Magick Weaved and another series as well.

Which I hope maybe I will get to come back and share with you all one day soon.

Thank you so much for having me on your blog today.

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