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Thursday, January 24, 2013

I can not expect a reader to enjoy my work if I am miserable writing it - T. L. Davis

Our Today's Writer -T. L. Davis

T. L. Davis
T. L. Davis

1.       What you write?
I am a writer of poetry and short stories.  However, I do possess a desire to delve into a novel sooner rather than later.  I am waiting for that beam of courage to zap my mind and that large foot of motivation to give me a kick in the bum. 

2               2.Why you write?
I have been writing since childhood.  I was always the quiet kid who did not require a playmate to have fun times.  I contend that this was the spark behind the creative worlds of my mind.  Later, I would employ my pad and pencil (or pen) to scream without the nuisance of opening my mouth.  Today, I write because I want to connect with readers with the hopes that my writings may affect them in some profound way—good or bad.  By the way, I am now the life of the party.

3         For whom you write?
I write for myself.  This may sound selfish.  But if I do not like it, it will never see the light of day.  I cannot expect a reader to enjoy my work if I am miserable writing it.  There would be no truth within the pages, which is an insult to the book lovers. 

4         By whom you inspired?
To be truthful, I am not inspired by any one individual in the world of literature.  There was not a writer that caused me to say that I wanted to write a book.  However, I am a lover of Poe and Austen.  Patterson always gives me a good read.  I also appreciate the writings of Gaines.  At the end of the day, I am inspired by life.  And because Mother gave me life and my Grands enhanced it, I am inspired by them as well.

Shed by T.L Davis

5.         Current writing-

A Nude Beginning

I sat on the bank from sun up to sundown
Rain beating against my breasts
With a hammer in one hand
A gun in another
I watched tirelessly as the river flowed
Tensed as the current rose
And sobbed as the waves crashed violently
Slapping each rock with its troubled hand
Over and over again
It seemed as if it would never end
I finally arose
Facing the bridge
I wondered if there was anything
Anything at all
Awaiting me on the other side
I peered through the rain
But could not see through its pain
Yet I continued to seek
What was on the other side
My feet began to move
Out of the mud
Onto wet grass
Atop slippery concrete
And I walked across that bridge
Beating that hammer
Against gray steel
In the tormenting rain and high winds
While the troubled waters crashed below
The walk seemed endless
But not effortless
Beating that hammer
Against gray steel
Cold and wet with rain soaked clothing
I began to shed them
That tattered old black dress
The beige brassiere with non-matching panty
And I was naked
I did not care
I kept beating that hammer
Against gray steel
Until the motion of my hand
No longer met the strength of that steel
I had made it to the other side
The pain of the rain had ceased
The violent current mellowed
Its anger released
And I stood in the sun
With no gun
Oblivious to where it had gone
Holding my hammer
As I stood

Published Books-


Amazon book Link-

You can look her website: http://www.tldavis-author.com

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  1. I've also kept a Journal since I was young (1973) I have two unpublished books and have done LOTS of writing in WA and other places. I still wish to improve my writing because I'm so used to writing to myself like you say above.

  2. I like that poem. I have dabbled a bit with poetry, but it is western style from the ole cowboy days of yore. Great post.


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