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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I write for other survivors of child abuse and people who wants to learn more about the effects of abuse on a child- Sue Julsen

Our Today's Writer-  Sue Julsen

Sue Julsen
Sue Julsen

Small introduction of yourself: …………………………

Kidnapped when I was three years old, I began my writing career as a means of escape from the emotional scars and repetitive nightmares from childhood. I started my first book, a sci-fi, in grade school. I only had one more chapter to write when my  aunt found the manuscript hidden in the back of my closet. Without reading it, she called it garbage, a waste of time and paper, then forced me to watch as she tore it up and threw it in the trash. Giving up writing until I left home at 18, I started writing poetry, then wrote my first book, my memoir about my life after the kidnapping.

 Not stopping there, I wrote two other books in this series, and I recently put together a book of poems written over the years that exposes feelings never shared before, along with short stories that inspired each poem.  I live in Nevada with my husband, two dogs, a cat and a bird, and I enjoy the outdoors, reading and writing. All of my books are available on Amazon as Kindle eBooks, with updated paperbacks coming soon. My book of poetry is also in audio.

1.    What you write? 
        I write a variety of things, but mostly non-fiction about my life being kidnapped, then living with child abuse. Certainly not a feel-good book to read (or to write), but it was my life. In the two other books in this series I combined some exciting crime fiction with the true events making for a much easier, and fun, read. I also write some poetry, but not anything new lately.

2.      Why you write? 

        I have to write. I can’t sleep if I don’t write. Ideas for a story, or even the next line of a current story, stays in my head, rolling around until I get them written down.  I also love writing, taking readers (and myself) on a journey, sometimes sad, sometimes happy, and sometimes downright scary.

3.   For whom you write? 

I write for myself and for my readers. I write for other survivors of child abuse and people who wants to learn more about the effects of abuse on a child. The crime fiction is for anyone who wants a twisted, sadistic, gruesome tale from a twisted mind. I always let my own thoughts enter the mind of my characters, serial killers and all, to bring out the best story I can.

4.  By whom were you inspired?

There are too many to mention, but I do lean toward the styles of Harold Robbins, John Saul, Nora Roberts, and Dean Koontz…then there are the Indie authors. Again too many to mention, but my most favorite Indie author is Eric Shelman. I never cared much for reading about zombies, but Eric’s writing turned me around. His stories are so amazing, I look forward to the next book in the series.

5.  You can Share you current writing (Any small Story/Poem) or Tell your Future plan About writing? 

Currently I’m working on getting the Bitter Memories series switched over to CreateSpace, so I’m busy formatting and working with my cover designer to bring new or improved covers to each book. I’m also in the middle of writing a fantasy and several short stories that may be combined into one bigger book when finished.

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